Friday, February 18, 2011

Superior Court of California-Los Angeles Judgment of Annulment of Marriage

Fraudster Alien Ofir Nagar Internet Postings

USCIS Case Status I-130, I-485 Applications and Case Status Summary

Alien Inmate Transfer to ICE Custody from Los Angeles Sheriff's Department County Jail

I had been diligent in keeping post of the incarceration of alien Ofir Nagar while he was in custody of L.A. Sheriff Department County Jail.  I set up on the L.A. County Sheriff's website the victim witness program through LINK that would notify via email and phone when he was release from L.A. County jail.  Also, I contacted Immigration Custom & Enforcement Victim Witness Assistance in Washington DC to apply through their program to be notified when the alien is in the custody of ICE, in addition through this victim program I would be notified of his immigration charges, court dates and release. 

I was noticed by the L.A. Sheriff's Link system by email and phone on February 18, 2011.  Here I have provided a copy of the email notification from the LINK L.A. Sheriff Department notification and the Immigration Customs & Enforcement Inmate Detainee locator that shows the custody status on February 18, 2011.

However much to my surprise early Saturday morning I checked the ICE detainee locator website and found the alien Ofir Nagar was not longer in custody of Immigration Custom & Enforcement.

On Tuesday Febuary 22, 2011, following the President's Day holiday on Monday, I received a call at 7:54am from Immigration Custom & Enforcement Investigator Lester Campbell to inform me that ICE Detention & Removal had mistakenly released Ofir Nagar due to lack of legal paperwork to hold him.
I was furious, however I listened patiently while he told this story, and followed by asking how can this guy how had defrauded me in marriage for U.S. Immigration benefits who had committed violent assaults against me and others and was charged in Los Angeles criminal court of not just one charge of domestic violence Ca. Penal Code 273.5 in February 2009, but was charged and convicted again November 2010 for Felony domestic violence and sentenced 365 days while on probation on the 1st charge domestic violence charge.  I ask ICE Investigator Mr. Campbell why was the U.S. Immigration Service rewarding him for his fraudulent and violent behavior with the immediate release from their custody when in fact the ICE hold was no bail.
Mr. Campbell assured me that he would do everything in his power to have him picked up by ICE agents as soon as possible. 

 ICE Victim Witness Program Administer Donna called to inform me of Ofir Nagar release.

February 23, 2011 was a pre-scheduled appointment I had made 2 weeks before for the purpose of requesting my I-130 Petition of Alien Spouse denial notice generated by an USCIS administrative reopening  of the application for denial.  After my meeting with the USCIS officials I made a visit to the seventh floor ICE Detention & Removal to speak with management regarding the release of aggravated criminal Felon Ofir Nagar.  I was told by the receptionist that the Department did not take grievances appointment on this date, and she informed me that the department only took in these types of grievances on Monday and Friday, however would she check to see if there was management available to assist me.  The ICE Detention & Removal Receptionist provide me with the department standard form to complete, and I waited for 3+ hours while seated in the front row where she saw me wait the many hours.  Finally, I got to speak with Supervisor Sean O'Hara, he was polite and gracious to understand the error on the part of ICE Detention & Removal, and promised that if Ofir Nagar did not report back to ICE on February 24, 2011 he would personally send out ICE agents to pick him up.  I provided an address of his closes relative as an alternative address, Mr. O'Hara provided his business card, and told I could call him if need occurred instead of making another visit to their office.

On February 25, 2011 Ofir Nagar was rearrested and booked into ICE custody at Orange County Theo Lacy facility that house ICE Detainees.